Signee Insight – September Part Two!

YES, Signee has had a busy month so far in September with visits to high schools to meet with career advisors and view the Inzone career kiosk that has now been placed at Papanui High School. Our future plans include updating the sign making videos on the Inzone kiosk that provides career information to high school students.

Earlier this month, Signee made a special trip to Rolleston College to assist with mock interviews for their entire year 12 cohort. Signee joined forty other employers to provide exposure to a job interview and for some students, it was their first time being interviewed. All students received verbal and written feedback and we hope to attend and assist schools with events like this in future as it is a great initiative.

Our first ever fully funded Maori and Pasifika scholarship recipient has been chosen and commences her work experience at Signcraft in Rotorua in November. We will be following Anahera’s journey along the way and we thank PSP Limited and Computaleta for their sponsorship. We hope to provide more scholarships next year in various categories.

We are excited for a previous Signee trainee Dani Rochford from Signlink Graphics in Hokitika who features later this month in the ‘Women in Trades’ Wednesday article for September. Be sure to check it out via this link and on their social media page on facebook from Wednesday 20th September. Did you know only 15% of women make up the trades workforce and only 2.6% are ‘on the tools’. It will be great for the exposure to sign making but we hope the article encourages more females into the industry.


Signee is busy updating workbooks and our online content to ensure they are fit for purpose. Thank you to those who are reviewing the current content and providing continuous improvement feedback. Alongside the training resources. we are updating marketing flyers so we are set for 2024 with new material.

If you have not followed  Signee on Instagram, LinkedIn or Facebook. please do! We try and post as much as we can, especially about our trainees and what they have been working on. Any likes, follows etc are much appreciated!
