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Master Sign Maker Accreditation

Excellence in Learning, Connecting, and Craft

Master Sign Maker Accreditation is for a business that thrives and leads in being an active and engaged member of the NZSDA, acknowledging commitment to learning, connecting through events and refining your craft. This Accreditation of Excellence sets you apart as a leader within the signage industry and is the next step, a natural progression from the NZSDA Membership, that represents core values of quality, integrity and service.

Gain industry recognition and strengthen your market credibility with this badge of honour. Join a network of dedicated leaders committed to excellence with the Master Sign Maker Accreditation.

Benefits of the Accreditation

  • Highlights your businesses credibility and connections
  • Creates public awareness of professional sign makers of excellence
  • Nationwide recognition and acknowledgement within the industry, authorities and regulators
  • Assures customers of the highest level of workmanship and professionalism
  • Flags your business’s ability to meet mandatory requirements
  • Strengthens overall competitive edge and be seen as a leader

About the Accreditation

The Criteria

  1. To be eligible you must be a trade qualified sign maker OR have had at least 5 years’ experience within the industry.
  2. Be an NZSDA Member and held membership for 2 consecutive years or more.

The Pathway

The pathway underpins the Master Sign Maker Accreditation vision of Learn, Connect and Craft.  It aims to foster strong connections, engage with learning through craft, sharing of knowledge and maximizing resources and opportunities through the NZSDA community. Download the Criteria here. 

  1. The accreditation is initially achieved through gaining a minimum of 140 and up to 200 mandatory points.
  2. The accreditation is maintained by achieving a minimum of 80 points in each 2-year period from the time you receive your original accreditation.
  3. Actions need to be achieved under each pillar of Learn, Connect and Craft.
  4. Each action is worth points, some are weighted heavier than others.
  5. It is not necessary to achieve every action under each pillar, it is up to each individual business to choose their own pathway to achieve the Accreditation as long as it meets the required minimum points each year.
  6. Sustainability Action stands on its own and can go towards total points if maintained each year.
  7. To maintain accreditation each year, the actions can vary or change accordingly for each business needs.
  8. The NZSDA will record each action and display their progress on the tracker below. We will advise applicants when they have achieved their Accreditation.
  9. The accreditation will be awarded to the business name and will become an asset of the Business.
  10. The Accreditation and plaque will remain the property of the NZSDA.
  11. Should there be a change in ownership, or business name, the plaque will need to be returned to the NZSDA unless otherwise negotiated.

The Application Process

  1. Complete the application form below, or download the pdf version here.
  2. A one-off processing fee will be invoiced following application.
  3. The NZSDA Board will review and approve quarterly (February, May, August and November)
  4. Should the Accreditation be approved, notification will be sent to applicant 4 weeks after application received with an annual invoice to be paid within 7 days.
  5. Master Sign Maker logo will be given to businesses after payment is received.
  6. A Press release will be published in the weeks following and the Master Sign Maker plaque will be presented at the NZ Sign Display Awards of Excellence once a year.
  7. It is expected that all successful Master Sign Makers that obtain their accreditation that previous year are to attend the Awards of Excellence to receive their plaque.

The Cost

Application fee is to be paid upon submission of application of $45+GST.

An annual fee for Master Sign Maker Accreditation is required and must be maintained:

This will be a pro-rata rate so to align with the NZSDA annual membership invoices released on the 1st April. 

Actions for Achieving Points

Each action is 5 points, at least 4 actions (20 points) are required.

  • Attend NZSDA Webinar or Coffee Break Session
  • Attend a learning session or speaker session at conference
  • Attend a Supplier speed networking event
  • Attend NZSDA Supplier Training Course (eg. Wrap courses, etc)
  • Upskill with industry related courses ie. Design, Sales, Business Management
  • Engage in a business coach (regular sessions) or belong to a business networking group
  • Be training an apprentice or have trained one in the past 5 years.
  • Have in place Health and Safety Audit and Training ie. Site Safe, EWP or First Aid.

Each action is worth 5 points with exception of those highlighted below, 50 points is required minimum.

  • Attend NZSDA conference and AGM within the past 2 years (40 points)
  • Attend the NZ Sign Display Awards of Excellence in the past 2 years (10 points)
  • Attend a regional meeting
  • Attend a Welcome Event at Conference
  • Attend NZ Sign & Print Expo (10 points)
  • Support supplier evenings eg. product releases, mini expos
  • Attend an Industry event eg. NZSDA | Print Assoc Golf Day or Women in Print & Sign.

See below what each action is worth, 40 points minimum required.

  • Sign Award Finalist in past 2 years OR (5 points)
  • Medallist in the past 2 years (10 points)
  • Attend Letterhead Workshops OR (5 points)
  • Demonstrate craftmanship for at least three pillars of sign making ** (10 points each)
    (See Practical Expertise for descriptions of craftsmanship pillars)

NZSDA Brand Audit worth 5 points each and Sustainable Actions 15 points.

  • NZSDA Logo on vehicles
  • NZSDA Logo on building
  • NZSDA Logo on website
  • Sustainable Proof of Practices eg. Qualification or award. (15 points)

Demonstrate craftmanship for at least three pillars of sign making.  Each pillar is worth 10 points.  Submit proof of capabilities with application.  eg.  Images, documents, references, awards, certifications. 

The style, layout, look and feel of overall finished sign.  Making decisions on what techniques, materials, substrates, print mediums will be used to create the sign to best meet the need of the client.

Creating a standout project that shows various lighting design options and techniques that could involve fabrication of light box of various dimensions and electrical work to a high standard. 

Applying designs to various surfaces and substrates using the correct processes, technologies, print mediums and equipment.

Hand painting mediums and hand rendered techniques and processes showcasing excellent understanding of topography

Demonstrating best practice of installing methods and documentation of various signage projects by use of tools, equipment and machinery which may include working at heights.

Show an excellent understanding of fabricating and assembling a sign and parts of a sign using a variety of materials, tools, equipment and machinery.

Apply for Master Sign Maker

Fill out the application form below to express your interest in completing the accreditation. You can save the form and return to it later by clicking the ‘Save and Continue Later’ button. This will generate a link that you can save to return to the draft form later. You have 30 days to complete the form before it expires, and you must start again. 

Alternatively, you can download the pdfs below to complete and return them to

Download the Master Sign Maker Application Form
Download the Criteria here. 

Business Details

Postal Address(Required)
Street Address (If different from postal address)


Complete the fields below for any criteria you have completed in the last two years. Leave blank any actions you have not completed. (Each action is 5 points, at least 4 actions (20 points) are required)
Name the Webinar and date
Name the Learning or speaker session and year
Name the event and date
Name the Supplier Training Couse and date
Name the course and date completed
Name Business Coach, or Networking Group
Name the Apprentice and completion date
Name your H&S system, membership and qualifications:


Complete the fields below for any criteria you have completed in the last two years. Leave blank any actions you have not completed. (Each action is worth 5 points unless otherwise indicated, 50 points is required minimum)
Name the Conference, AGM and year of attendance
Name the Location of the Meeting and date
Name the Year of attendance
Name the Year of attendance
Name the Supplier
Name the Supplier


Complete the fields below for any criteria you have completed in the last two years. Leave blank any actions you have not completed. (See below what each action is worth, 40 points minimum required)
Name the Award Entry and Year or Medal and Year
Name the Year and Location
Demonstrate craftmanship for at least three pillars of sign making (10 points each) (See Practical Expertise for descriptions of craftsmanship pillars)
Please attach images as proof
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 64 MB.


    Complete the fields below for any criteria you have completed in the last two years. Leave blank any actions you have not completed. (NZSDA Brand Audit worth 5 points each and Sustainable Actions 15 points)
    Select any you have achieved so far.
    Note: Please attach images or screen shots of proof for Logo representation
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 64 MB.



      MM slash DD slash YYYY
      Max. file size: 64 MB.