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Industry Mentors

Industry Mentorship Programme

Becoming an industry mentor is a commitment to the industry and Association and we are so lucky to have a small bunch of passionate, experienced and super knowledgeable sign makers that really know their stuff and willing to share their experiences and knowledge when it comes to start up sign businesses, best fit business practices for our industry and tips learnt throughout the years (sometimes the hard way), so that our next generation of sign makers that are making their way into our association and industry can be better equipped for their own future.

As an Association we believe that it is our responsibility to support those members that either need guidance or are new to running a business to ensure good business practice standards and excellent quality of workmanship is maintained within our membership.

Some touch points recently exposed are managing day to day workflow, project management and quoting, deposits to secure projects, enabling constant income flow and ensuring debtors are managed, lastly and a biggie, how lack of health and safety practices in businesses can affect your brand reputation and the Association.

Keen to know more about this new initiative, or would like to enquire about becoming a mentor or receiving mentorship, reach out to the