Association Update - February 2025
Happy New Year! After a successful strategy meeting with the board in December last year, we are excited to get to work actioning our plans and watching the industry grow and thrive. The priorities for this year are, as always, supporting our members in their work and providing more opportunities for learning and growth. This year we are working hard to see the Association grow, finding more quality sign shops to join the ranks. After a big push to increase value and introduce new member benefits in 2024, I am excited to see the fruits of our labour in 2025.
In December we launched the updated Master Sign Maker Accreditation. The updated accreditation reinforces the NZSDA’s core values of Learn, Connect, Craft, encouraging applicants to use the resources and opportunities we’ve provided. The new pathway also recognises businesses who are actively giving back to the signage industry. We are excited to see many of our members jumping on board and putting in the work for this prestigious symbol of excellence.
To kick off 2025 we have a lineup of industry events, both virtual and in person. We will be running regional meetings throughout the country, meeting with as many sign shops as we can, and facilitating moments for you all to connect and learn from each other. We will also be running more webinars in 2025, starting with a series of presentations from ACC and from Competenz, both of whom have a lot of value and knowledge to share with the industry.
Registration is soon to open for our 60th National Sign Makers Conference. Running from 12-14 June in sunny Nelson, the conference will reflect the theme ‘Tradition Meets Tomorrow.’ Delegates will participate in a range of activities and sessions focused on innovation and the future of the industry, as well as a nod to the past, appreciating the traditions that brought the industry to where it is today. From traditional hand lettering through to artificial intelligence, we can’t wait to celebrate the last 60 years of signwriting with you. If you’ve ever considered coming along to a conference, this is the one to attend!
It is also time to prepare your entries for the 2025 Sign Awards of Excellence. There has been some incredible work done across the country over the last year and it is time to get together and celebrate the creativity and ingenuity of the sign industry. With over 18 awards categories to choose from, there is something for everyone. Let’s make 2025 a year of wins and celebrations.
A new item in the event calendar is the National Sign Making Day, happening on Thursday, 1 May 2025. Businesses in the sign and graphics industry are invited to open their doors and run tours for registered high school students. It’s a chance to showcase the industry and inspire students to explore one of the most diverse career paths out there. Finding qualified sign makers is a growing challenge, but by connecting with today’s youth, we can help support the future of our industry.
Keep an eye out on our website and social media channels to keep up to date with our calendar of events!
E kore te tangata e pakiri i runga i te wai marino.
A person who remains in calm waters will never get strong.

Ngā mihi,
Mikayla Hopkins
Projects, Events, Communications Specialist