Association Update - December 2024
And just like that the year has come to an end and we are all preparing to close up shop and take some time to enjoy the summer weather. It has been a big year for the NZSDA as we have introduced new staff (that’s me!), welcomed two new board members, and started implementing a brand-new strategy for moving forward. From running regional meetings in seven different cities, to presenting membership recognition certificates right across the country, we have really made the effort to get out there and show up for our members. Not to mention the many new resources, guides, webinars and more that we have made available, plus launching our brand-new website and fully refreshing the Master Sign Maker accreditation. It has great being part of a team so filled with passion, and to see our hard work and efforts slowly starting to take effect with each new initiative introduced.
We are now looking ahead to the future, putting plans in place for next years conference and awards, the big 60th anniversary for the NZSDA. This is going to be an awesome celebration of the history of sign making, while also recognising the future of the industry and the direction it is now taking. We are looking forward to connecting with many of our members at the event and can’t wait to share the programme with you all in the new year.
We are also planning dates for a new calendar of regional meetings. We will be adding events in Palmerston North and the Bay of Plenty, as well as re-visiting the cities we were in this year. We believe it is important to show support for our members across the country, even in the smaller areas where there may not be as many to attend. Keep an eye on the event calendar on our website as we will release the dates there as they are confirmed. We will also be running a lot more online webinars in the new year, so watch out for those as they are announced also!
I’ll keep this short and sweet this month, as attention spans are low this time of year. However, I want to say thank you to each and everyone of you for making me feel so welcome in my first year in this position, and for sharing with me your challenges and successes as I’ve made my way around the country. I am excited to take your feedback on board and see where we go next year!
Happy holidays to all who celebrate, and I hope you all make the most of your downtime this summer!
E hoa, ka whiti te rā.
Friend, the sun will shine.
Ngā mihi,
Mikayla Hopkins