Association Update - August
It’s that tough time of year when the weather is cold and wet, and everything seems to slow down. I know it’s a struggle out there for many people, but I want to encourage you to hang in there just a bit longer! The sun will come out eventually, as it always does. It is good to use this time to upskill yourself, take some courses, listen to some webinars. The more you know, the better prepared you are for when things swing back into action! The members section of our website contains a host of videos and guides and is a great place to go digging for some personal development.
I’d like to say thank you to everybody who came along to our recent Hamilton Regional Meeting! Thank you especially to Clinton for setting up his shop and letting us takeover for the night. The extra effort to accommodate us, such as printing off a big banner with the NZSDA logo, was noticed and appreciated! It was an excellent turnout, great conversations were had, and some great presentations delivered. We will be heading to Dunedin next.
I’d like to remind everybody that access to our Signee online course and workbook is now free for members. This is an amazing resource, particularly for those new to the industry and wanting to get a deeper understanding of what it involved. If you are interested in putting somebody through the course, just flick me a message!
We have a couple of webinars being delivered this month. One from NZ Safety Blackwoods, a new NZSDA partner. This will be a short ‘coffee break’ session covering the details of the new partnership and what the benefits are for NZSDA members. We will also be holding another of our HR webinar series on the topic of ‘Identifying Your Point of Difference.’ This will be pre-recorded, allowing you to watch it at a time that suits you. We will arrange a Q&A session for those who would like to know more!
I’d like to apologise for a misplaced sponsorship logo in last months e-news edition. I unfortunately gave the wrong company credit for sponsoring the Keith Langstone Highflyer award, which was proudly sponsored by Cohesive this year!
Ko te manu e kai ana i te miro, nōna te ngahere. Ko te manu e kai ana i te mātauranga, nōna te ao. The bird that partakes of the miro berry, theirs is the forest. The bird that partakes of knowledge, theirs is the world.
Ngā mihi maioha,
Mikayla Hopkins
Projects, Events & Communications Specialist