Cohesive Sustainability Snippet | February

Sustainability is at the front of our industry’s mind and Cohesive are here to provide you with some simple sustainability snippets each month. Small things you can do to make a change to impact the world in a better way and to provide benefit to your business.

Consolidating your orders goes further than just saving money.

By combining your small orders into one larger order, you are reducing the emissions that goes into getting your products to you. Cohesive is able to more efficiently pack your orders and our delivery network can fit more in their vans, making less trips to your door and ultimately bringing down the total emissions used in your order.

Cohesive offer a free freight for orders over $300+gst to help incentivise you to make this change and see instant rewards to your business on top of the positive contribution to environmental impact.

To take advantage of this incentive, head over to Cohesive and place an order today.
